GEMTESA (vibegron) is the first and only beta-3 agonist that offers your patients1:

One 75 mg dose with no titration
to be taken daily with or without food and swallowed whole with a glass of water1

One crushable pill
In adults, GEMTESA tablets may be crushed, mixed with a tablespoon
(~15 mL) of applesauce and taken immediately with a glass of water1

Interested in prescribing GEMTESA? Request samples for your patients
Click below to request samples or request a live or virtual visit with a GEMTESA representative.

You and your patients can work together to help ensure they get the overactive bladder (OAB) medication you have chosen
Healthcare professional
Consider the following, where appropriate, for patients who are having trouble filling prescriptions:
- DAW (dispense as written)*
- Medically necessary
- Brand only
*Follow your state's required language or special instructions.
Patient or caregiver
May consider the following to communicate with the pharmacy:
- Request no substitutions before the medication is dispensed
- Verify they have received GEMTESA
- Discuss options with the pharmacists (if they have not received GEMTESA before leaving the pharmacy)
But wait, there's more!

GEMTESA demonstrated statistically significant reduction of all 3 key OAB symptoms* vs placebo at 12 weeks—including urgency1,2†
*The 3 key symptoms of OAB are urgency, micturition frequency, and urge urinary incontinence (UUI)/leakage.2
†The efficacy of GEMTESA was evaluated in a pivotal 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo- and active-controlled trial in patients with OAB (UUI, urgency, and urinary frequency). For study entry, patients had to have symptoms of OAB for at least 3 months with an average of 8 or more micturitions per day and at least 1 UUI per day, or an average of 8 or more micturitions per day and an average of at least 3 urgency episodes per day. A total of 1515 patients received at least 1 daily dose of placebo (n=540), GEMTESA 75 mg (n=545), or an active-control treatment (n=430). The majority of patients were Caucasian (78%) and female (85%) with a mean age of 60 (range 18 to 93) years.1