How does your bladder work?

As your bladder fills, nerve signals in your brain trigger your need to urinate. These signals tell your bladder to:

  • Relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and urethra
  • Contract (squeeze) the muscles in the bladder to release urine

However, when you're living with OAB, your bladder muscles may suddenly contract too frequently and too often, even when your bladder isn’t full, creating an urgent feeling that you need to urinate.

How does GEMTESA work?

  • GEMTESA is a type of medication called a “beta-3 agonist,” which is designed to help relax your bladder muscle so it can hold more urine
  • This may help to reduce the urgent need to run to the bathroom and the number of leakages you may experience
Diagram of a bladder. GEMTESA® activates the beta-3 adrenergic receptor, relaxing the bladder detrusor muscle. M3 (muscarinic) receptor β3 receptor

For illustrative purposes only.

Listen to Kate, a patient with
overactive bladder, talk about her doctor's explanation of how GEMTESA works

So my doctor explained to me that GEMTESA could help reduce my OAB symptoms based on clinical trials.”

Kate, a real GEMTESA patient who has been compensated for her participation in this video


After I shared with my doctor my overactive bladder, or OAB, symptoms, she recommended that I try GEMTESA.”

[Text on screen] GEMTESA is a prescription medication for the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) in adults with symptoms of leakage episodes, urgency, and frequency. Please see Important Safety Information at the end of this video.

More Than My OAB: Kate’s GEMTESA Journey

Beginning My GEMTESA Journey

Kate is a real patient taking GEMTESA who has been compensated by Urovant Sciences for her participation in this video.

So my doctor explained to me that GEMTESA could help reduce my OAB symptoms based on clinical trials.”

[Text on screen] GEMTESA may help some patients reduce leakage episodes, frequency, and urgency. GEMTESA may not be for everyone.

She also talked to me about possible side effects, and those could include headache or common cold symptoms.


But I was ready to take that next step.”

[Text on screen] Side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. Please see Important Safety Information at the end of this video.

When I got home, I took that first dose immediately. The bottle sits on my counter; it’s very convenient for my lifestyle. And I even have it on my calendar.”

[Text on screen] GEMTESA should be taken once daily with or without food and swallowed whole with a glass of water.

After I started taking GEMTESA I remember running an errand, and getting home and putting my key in the lock of my door, and I could not believe that I didn't have to run to the bathroom.”

[Text on screen] Key-in-lock syndrome is a sudden, uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom as soon as you get home.

My OAB symptoms were definitely preventing me from doing the things that I dearly love.


But now with GEMTESA, I can navigate my OAB symptoms much better.”

[Text on screen] Ready to take the next step in managing OAB?

Ask a healthcare professional if GEMTESA is right for you.

Do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to GEMTESA or its ingredients. Tell your doctor right away if you are unable to empty your bladder or if you have a weak urine stream.

[Text on screen] GEMTESA may increase your chances of not being able to empty your bladder.

Tell your doctor if you are taking medicines that contain digoxin, or if you have liver or kidney problems.

Side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea, nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection.

[Text on screen] Available by prescription only. Call 1-833-UROVANT.

Full Product Information can be found at

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