Resources for patients about OAB
Do you have questions about overactive bladder symptoms or want to know more about GEMTESA?
Spend a little more time here, discover more about OAB and GEMTESA, and talk to your OAB treatment provider.
Overactive Bladder Self-Assessment Tool
It's time to find out if that feeling is real—that you may have OAB. But, how do you find out? Start out by using this quick self-assessment tool to determine what you are feeling. You can save and download your assessment or have it emailed to you. Then, show your self-assessment to your OAB treatment provider to see if GEMTESA is right for you. It's that simple!
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Overactive Bladder Treatment Discussion Questions
If you've decided that it's time to take the next step, use these questions to start a discussion with your doctor to find out if GEMTESA is right for you:
Will GEMTESA work well with other medications I'm taking?
How does GEMTESA differ from other OAB treatments?
Is GEMTESA proven to reduce urgency?
How often do I need to take GEMTESA?
What side effects can I expect?
When may I begin to see results after starting GEMTESA?
GEMTESA Patient Brochure
Download this brochure with educational information about OAB and GEMTESA for the treatment of overactive bladder.
Obtenga más información sobre la vejiga hiperactiva y GEMTESA para el tratamiento de la vejiga hiperactiva.